We are a team of construction, engineering and tax professionals whose key personnel possess more than 8 decades of combined experience which is implemented in every facet of our Studies. We possess the technical skills, combined with a wealth of practical experience and formal education in our professions, which enables us to effectively communicate with every member of the project owner’s organization and construction personnel.
We have been a Quality Rated CSS provider for over 20 years. In the thousands of Studies we have performed and hundreds of IRS Forms 3115 filed, on projects from highly complex multi-million dollar manufacturing facilities to state-of-the-art medical campuses, not a single one of our Studies or filings has been subject to IRS review. We have done work for some of the largest accounting firms in the country, as well as directly for property developers and individual clients. We confer with and provide consult to tax professionals, financial advisors, estate planners and real estate developers across the nation. The quality of our work is what safeguards our clients from cause for review.
We provide the most comprehensive, accurate and supportable Cost Segregation Study available. We commit ourselves to achieving the greatest benefits for our clients.
Neff Consulting Group does not employ a Sales Task Force, or any Sales Rep. In any area of IRS taxation compliance, “sales reps” are not qualified and are legally prohibited from providing tax advice. Salespersons are driven by commissions. Fees paid to CSS providers who employ, or contract to salespersons, have an inherent need for fee mark-up to cover the cost of the Sales Reps.
Neff Consulting Group will work with you, expeditiously and thoroughly, do our own “homework” on your property. We will render a sound, professional proposal. Our proposal is based upon only the time required for our team of professionals to complete your project and interface with your paid Professional Tax Preparer. You will get the best possible, most comprehensive, supportable and proven Cost Segregation Study in the industry.
Lynn is the Founder of NeffCG, LLC (Neff Consulting Group), formerly Neff-Ernst Consulting Group, LLC. She is a fully licensed Certified Professional Accountant. She received her B.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Prior to receiving her degree, Lynn and her family were actively engaged in the construction trades, property development and ownership of tourist hospitality facilities. When first entering into employment with her first CPA Firm, the firm recognized Lynn’s unique knowledge of the construction industry and assigned her to be the lead for their construction contractors services, in addition to her other service clients, taxation, audits and financial statement preparation. Establishing her own firm a few years later, she continued to enjoy her relationships with her clients.
After placing her clients in the trusted hands of a colleague, Lynn relocated to the Spokane area. Shortly thereafter, she was hired by the largest regional public accounting firm as a “Business Advisor”. She wasn’t assigned to the tax or the audit department as her experience and knowledge of closely held companies filled the need to provide their clients with an oversight, and coordination, of all services.
Not long afterward, the firm discovered Lynn’s knowledge and talents were beneficial to their rather new Construction Cost Segregation niche. At that time, Cost Segregation was a fairly new development, as a result of precedent wins in US Tax Court. She understood construction contracts, billings, could read blueprints, perform quantity takeoffs, and cost estimating and could balance project costs to clients’ capitalized costs – much needed talents in their new department.
Lynn moved into the role of Cost Segregation Tax Manager and became the Lead Cost Segregation Analyst for the entire firm, with the responsibility of project development, education, oversight and processing all of the firm’s studies. One of Lynn’s challenges, that lead to the recognition of just how important it is to follow engineering-based methodology, what is and what is not acceptable to the IRS, came when Lynn was called upon to re-do several CSS performed by her predecessor. Those studies were found, under IRS review, to be void of acceptable methodology. Much to the firm’s surprise, Lynn was able to re-do the studies, in audit format and able to achieve overall results that did not penalize the client, or the firm. In a truly short time, the firm’s annual CS revenue grew from $450k to over $2m annually.
Since that time, Lynn has worked with her CPA and Financial Advisor colleagues and clients, always providing a professional, knowledgeable team of resources to benefit their wealth management goals.
Lynn possesses over 30 years of in-depth experience with the construction trades and standards. Lynn holds several certifications in Facilities Management and Construction Cost Estimating. Combining this experience and knowledge with her comprehensive practical service to a diverse cross section of industries, Lynn is uniquely qualified with the expertise which enables her to identify needs, devise solutions, and deliver results that exceed expectations.
In addition to providing oversight to all services performed by NeffCG, LLC, Lynn designs and teaches CPE courses, accounting classes, provides litigation support, forensic accounting analysis, streamlines business fixed asset management systems and specializes in capitalization policies.
While Lynn still calls Alaska “home”, she enjoys the diverse experiences and climate that the Greater Spokane and Northern Idaho areas have to offer. She enjoys, raising, showing, field training and living with her Champion lines of English Setters and German Wirehaired Pointers. She also enjoys time shared with family and friends and likes to surprise them with her culinary skills.